Review of Black Barbie Documentary on Netflix

In a world where seeing yourself matters, the Black Barbie documentary on Netflix hits home for black women everywhere. Growing up as a black girl, you get hit with the message that your hair isn’t “good enough,” your nose is “too wide,” and your skin is “too dark.” You see this perfect Barbie with long blond hair and petite features, and it feels like that’s what the world wants. It messes with your head.

This documentary? It’s a game-changer. It’s a loud and proud anthem for representation. Watching it, I felt a powerful connection to the women who demanded a Black Barbie.

“Their fight, their fire, was about more than a doll. It was about seeing ourselves, celebrating our beauty, and telling the world we matter.”

We featured Shaneisha Dodson in our November 2022 issue of Token. She’s an author and doll-maker doing big things. Her dolls are a direct nod to what those trailblazing women at Mattel did for us. Dodson’s work gives our girls something real, something beautiful to hold onto.

I’m giving this documentary 5 stars. It’s a crucial story, a heartfelt shout out to black women and girls everywhere. It tells us that “impossible” is just a word, not a fact. We need more stories like this, showing our girls that they are seen, they are loved, and they are beautiful.

Written By: Co-Founder Joy Harris-Bird

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